Daniel Barthel has been teaching band in the Reno area since 2004. He has taught at Depoali Middle School since it opened in 2009 and since that time, the Depoali band program has experienced consistent participation and success. The program serves around 200 students every year, offering jazz band, concert bands, colorguard, drumline, percussion ensemble and other chamber ensembles. Depoali bands have consistently earned Superior Ratings in Concert Band Festivals in the Northern Nevada and Northern California areas. Barthel is also active in the band community, serving as the Washoe County School District Honor Band Coordinator. He has also served as the NMEA President, Zone Representative, and MS All-State Band Coordinator. In 2018, he was selected by NMEA as the Nevada Music Educator of the Year. In 2022, he was selected as a "Greater Heart of Washoe County School District" award recipient. He also co-directs the Lake Tahoe Music Camp every summer along with his wife, Amy. Barthel attended the University of Nevada, Reno earning bachelor and master's degrees in music education. Barthel has two children, is a Reno native, and a member of Phi Mu Alpha Men's Music Fraternity and the National Association for Music Education.
Colorguard Staff
Awards & Accomplishments
Band Staff
Drumline & Colorguard Staff
Awards & Accomplishments
Band Staff
Drumline & Colorguard Staff
Awards & Accomplishments
Band Staff
Drumline & Colorguard Staff
Awards & Accomplishments
Band Staff
Winterguard Staff
Awards & Accomplishments
Band Staff
Winterguard Staff
Awards & Accomplishments
Band Staff
-Rachael Cowell, Student Intern
& Jazz
-Hank Currey, Jazz & Brass
-Zachary Curtis, Brass
-Jennifer Day, Woodwinds
-Jason Owens, Jazz Tutor
-Dominick Van Orman, Brass
-Blair Williams, Percussion
Winterguard Staff
-Kaylee Allen
-Allison Cook
-Kendall Welling
-Mariah Williams
-Eleda Schmidt
-Javier Sosa
Awards & Accomplishments
-Around 300 students in the program with over 350 class enrollments.
-Concert Band Festival: Intermediate and Advanced Band earner unanimous Superior ratings from the adjudicators!
-6th Grade Honor Band: 16 Depoali students selected
-7th/8th Grade Honor Band: 24 Depoali students accepted
-NMEA All State MS Band: 8 students accepted
-Winterguard: JV Won MS Division, Varsity got 2nd place in HS Division (and won all other competitions!)
-Jazz Bands: Jazz 2 received two Superior and an Excellent rating at Reno Jazz Fest. Jazz 1 received unanimous Superior rating at Reno Jazz Fest. These are the highest scores for any Depoali Jazz Band at Reno Jazz! We also earned top middle school trumpet player out of the entire festival.
Band Staff:
-Hank Currey, Jazz and Brass
-Jennifer Day, Woodwinds
-Blair Williams, Percussion
Drumline Staff:
-Blair Williams
-Greyson Boydstun
-Ryan Salivar
-Layla BenBrahim
-Josh Dunlap
Winterguard Staff:
-Jackie Barrera
-Kendall Welling
-Mariah Williams
-Allison Cook
-Eleda Schmidt
-Kaylee Allen
Awards & Accomplishments:
-Over 290 students in the program with over 350 enrollments.
-Concert Band Festival: Intermediate Band earned an Excellent rating and Advanced Band earned a Superior rating
-6th Grade Honor Band: 17 students accepted
-7th/8th Grade Honor Band: 17 students accepted
-NMEA All State Band: 6 students accepted
-Honor Jazz Band: 5 students accepted
-Drumline: Had an excellent season and won Northern Nevada Champion for 4th Consecutive year!
-Winterguard: First year with two Guards! JV Guard won Northern Nevada Champion in the Middle School Division. The Varsity Guard wrapped up an undefeated season by winning Northern Nevada Champion in the High School Scholastic Regional A Division!
-The Jazz Bands had an excellent year with 50 students in the Jazz Program. Both Jazz I and II earned Excellent ratings at the Reno Jazz Festival.
-Events the Depoali Band program participated in: Jazz in the Schools, NMEA Solo & Ensemble, UNR Day of Percussion