Biblatex citation styles

Biblatex provides numerous citation styles but if no citation style is set L a T e X uses the one that matches the bibliography style. Here is a minimal example showing use of the biblatex parameter style=alphabetic to set the citation style to alphabetic .

\documentclassarticle> \usepackage[ backend=biber, style=alphabetic, ]biblatex> \titleA bibLaTeX example> \addbibresourcesample.bib> %Imports bibliography file \begindocument> \sectionFirst section> Items that are cited: \textitThe \LaTeX\ Companion> book \citelatexcompanion> together with Einstein's journal paper \citeeinstein> and Dirac's book \citedirac>---which are physics-related items. Next, citing two of Knuth's books: \textitFundamental Algorithms> \citeknuth-fa> and \textitThe Art of Computer Programming> \citeknuth-acp>. \medskip \printbibliography \enddocument> 

This example produces the following output:

A biblatex example

Citation styles

Standard citation styles include:

There are other non-standard citation styles popular in different journals and thesis