Biblatex citation styles
Biblatex provides numerous citation styles but if no citation style is set L a T e X uses the one that matches the bibliography style. Here is a minimal example showing use of the biblatex parameter style=alphabetic to set the citation style to alphabetic .
\documentclassarticle> \usepackage[ backend=biber, style=alphabetic, ]biblatex> \titleA bibLaTeX example> \addbibresourcesample.bib> %Imports bibliography file \begindocument> \sectionFirst section> Items that are cited: \textitThe \LaTeX\ Companion> book \citelatexcompanion> together with Einstein's journal paper \citeeinstein> and Dirac's book \citedirac>---which are physics-related items. Next, citing two of Knuth's books: \textitFundamental Algorithms> \citeknuth-fa> and \textitThe Art of Computer Programming> \citeknuth-acp>. \medskip \printbibliography \enddocument>
This example produces the following output:

Citation styles
Standard citation styles include:
- numeric Implements a numeric citation scheme intended for in-text citations. Should be employed in conjunction with the numeric bibliography style.
- numeric-comp Compact variant of the numeric mode. Citations like [1, 2, 3] are replaced by [1-3].
- numeric-verb Verbose variant of the numeric style. Instead of [2, 5, 7] will print [2];[5];[7].
- alphabetic Alphabetic citation scheme similar to the standard alpha in style bibtex. To be used in conjunction with the alphabetic bibliography style.
- alphabetic-verb Verbose version of the alphabetic style. Instead of [Doe98, Doe95, Farn2004] will print [Doe98];[Doe95];[Farn2004].
- authoryear Implements the author-year citation scheme. To be used in conjunction with the author-year bibliography style.
- authoryear-comp Compact variant of the authoryear style. Prints the author only once if subsequent references passed to a single citation command share the same author. Prints Doe 1992, 1995 instead of Doe 1992, Doe 1995.
- authoryear-ibid A variant of the authoryear intended for footnote citations. Replaces repeated citations by the abbreviation ibidem.
- authoryear-icomp A style combining the features of authoryear-comp and authoryear-ibid
- authortitle Implements the author-title scheme. Intended for citations given in footnotes.
- authortitle-comp Compact variant of authortitle . Instead of Doe, First title; Doe, Second title this will print Doe, First title, Second title.
- authortitle-ibid A variant of the authortitle intended for footnote citations. Replaces repeated citations by the abbreviation ibidem.
- authortitle-icomp A style combining authortitle-comp and authortitle-ibid .
- authortitle-terse Variant of authoritle that only prints the title if the bibliography contains more than one work of the respective author/editor.
- authortitle-tcomp Style combining authortitle-terse and authortitle-comp .
- authortitle-ticomp Style combining authortitle-icomp and authortitle-terse .
- verbose Citation style that prints a full citation when the entry is cited for the first time and a short version afterwards.
- reading Citation style that goes with the bibliography style by the same name. Loads the authortitle style.
There are other non-standard citation styles popular in different journals and thesis
- In Sciences:
- American Chemical Society (ACS) style
- American Institute of Physics (AIP) style
- American Mathematical Society (AMS) style
- Vancouver system
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) style
- Nature style
- Science style
- Chicago Style
- Harvard referencing style
- MLA style
- American Psychological Association (APA) style
Citation style | biblatex stylename |
ACS | chem-acs |
AIP | phys (*) |
Nature | nature |
Science | science |
IEEE | ieee |
Chicago | chicago-authordate |
MLA | mla |
APA | apa |
Further reading
For more information see
- Bibliography management in LaTeX
- Biblatex bibliography styles
- Biblatex package documentation
- Table of contents
- Management in a large project