Use this information report template to help your students correctly structure their expository writing.
Editable Editable: Google Slides Non-Editable Non-Editable: PDF Pages Pages: 2 Pages Curriculum Curriculum: CCSS, TEKS Grades Grades: 3 - 5Use this information report template to help your students correctly structure their expository writing.
Editable Editable: Google Slides Non-Editable Non-Editable: PDF Pages Pages: 2 Pages Curriculum Curriculum: CCSS, TEKS Grades Grades: 3 - 5Use this information report template to help your students correctly structure their expository writing.
This information report template has been designed to provide scaffolding for your students as they learn the structure of expository writing. It can be used for both draft and finished copies of any information report on any topic. With the scaffold as a guide, your students are sure to write coherent and well-structured expository texts.
The scaffold is structured as follows:
This information report template downloads as an easy-print PDF or editable Google Slides file. Should you wish your students to complete the task electronically, simply delete the lines and have the students type directly into the document.
This resource may be simple, but it has multiple applications when it comes to teaching expository writing to your students! Here are just a few ways our template can be used in the classroom:
Use the dropdown arrow on the Download button to choose between the editable Google Slides file or the easy-print PDF. Please note that you will be prompted to make a copy of the Google Slides file before accessing it.
Teach Starter has a wide selection of teacher-approved resources to use when teaching expository writing to your students. Click here to pursue some of our offerings:
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