Pesticide Contractors

The Georgia Pesticide Use and Application Act of 1976 requires that any person engaged in the business of applying pesticides to the lands of another within the State of Georgia must first be issued a pesticide contractor's license by the Commissioner of Agriculture.

Definition of Pesticide Contractor

The term "pesticide" is defined as any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest or pests. This definition includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, plant growth regulators, defoliants, etc. If you apply, as part of your business, or your company applies any type of pesticide to someone else’s property and a fee is assessed for these applications, or if you perform applications as part of a maintenance contract, you are subject to this requirement.



Your license will cover one or more categories of operation. Please review our Pest Control FAQ to determine which category(ies) you must be licensed for.


Getting a License


If your company is engaged in the application of pesticides to the property of another person and is collecting a fee for this service without the proper license, an injunction may be sought against your company. A maximum fine of $1,000 per violation may also be levied against your company.

Each pesticide application performed without the required pesticide contractor license may be viewed as a separate violation, and fines assessed accordingly.

Please notify us if you believe someone is operating without the proper pesticide licensing by completing the Reporting Unlicensed Contractor/Commercial Applicator Form.