The goal of the Pesticide Applicator Licensing program is to certify private and commercial applicators to use pesticides.
To qualify for certification, a pesticide applicator must show adequate knowledge of the type of pesticide application that he or she intends to perform. By educating, training, and testing people who apply certain pesticides, we are able to assure consumers that the person applying pesticides is knowledgeable and qualified. The law associated with this program is the Kansas Pesticide Law.
Applicants must pass the General examination and a category or subcategory examination to become certified (Commercial Applicator Certification Categories). Fees are $45 per examination. The General examination is also $45, as are examination retakes.
For the current pesticide commercial applicator examination schedule, go to the Commercial Pesticide Exam Schedule. The first paragraph on the exam schedule lists where study manuals may be obtained from Kansas State University.
Renewal of a current certification category may be accomplished by examination or training (Commercial Applicator Recertification Information). The examination for renewal is the same as above. For the current schedule of recertification training go to Commercial Pesticide Applicator Recertification Programs and Training.
A private pesticide applicator certification may only be used to apply or supervise the application of a restricted use pesticide product according to label directions for the purpose of:
Private certification may be obtained by passing an online or open book examination at a county extension office. Contact the county extension office in advance to ensure the office will be open and allow 2-3 hours to complete the examination. The county extension office will collect the $25 fee and mail the completed examination to KDA for grading and issuing the certification card. Private applicator certification expires on the individual’s birthday in the 5th calendar year after it is issued.
The private applicator study manual (Publication MF-531) is available Kansas State University by calling (785) 532-5830, by ordering at the KSU Research and Extension Bookstore or buying it at the Finney County Extension office.
Renewal applications are mailed to the applicator’s home address. Please inform KDA of any address changes to make sure you receive your renewal material.
The following lists are provided to facilitate identification of authorized purchasers of restricted use pesticides: