
Aerial photo of campus

The University of Oregon delivers a world-class education and exceptional experience to students from around the world. Tuition and state support are the two main sources of revenue that pay for the bulk of the university’s operating costs, including faculty and staff salaries; classrooms and libraries; academic advising, information technology, facilities, fundraising, admissions, human resources, and around $60 million in financial aid and scholarships that help ensure UO remains accessible to every qualified Oregonian who wants to attend.

The Oregon Guarantee

On March 17, 2020, the UO Board of Trustees approved the Oregon Guarantee program. Starting summer 2020, the Oregon Guarantee provides each UO undergraduate student a fixed tuition rate for up to five years. This helps families accurately plan and predict their total tuition and helps eliminate the uncertainty of what a UO degree will cost.

Tuition-Setting Process

The Tuition and Fee Advisory Board (TFAB) is the university’s official advisory group charged with reviewing and recommending tuition and fee proposals each year, prior to their submission to the President. TFAB is advisory to the President and its members are drawn broadly from the university community, including students, faculty, and staff.

The President charges TFAB with advising on all matters that pertain to the cost of attendance at the University, including undergraduate and graduate tuition, mandatory fees, non-mandatory fees (such as housing costs and course fees), and the structure of tuition (including, for example, differential tuition levels or comprehensive graduate program rates). In addition, TFAB helps to promote communication and engagement about tuition with the students of the University.

The FY24 Tuition and Fee Advisory Board met during fall 2023 to learn about a range of topics, including the fundamental aspects of the UO budget, a primer on financial aid, and long-term projections for the education and general fund. During winter 2024, TFAB met to discuss proposals for changing administratively controlled mandatory fees, housing rates, course fees, graduate tuition, and tuition rates for the new cohort of undergraduate students. All TFAB meetings--which took place in fall and winter terms--were open to the public. Meeting information and materials are available at https://tuition.uoregon.edu/updates.

President Scholz hosted a forum on tuition on Thursday, February 15 and further community input on the tuition recommendations from the 2023-24 Tuition and Fee Advisory Board (TFAB) was requested by online survey, February 12 through February 19. The president shared his tuition and fee proposal for the 2024-25 academic year in early March.

On March 12, 2024, the University of Oregon Board of Trustees approved the undergraduate tuition rate for the 2024-25 student cohort, locked for five years, as outlined in President Karl Scholz's tuition proposal.