Gwinnett Technical College’s Cybersecurity Program Earns Cyber Defense Accreditation

LAWRENCEVILLE – The National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have designated Gwinnett Technical College as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Two-Year Education (CAE2Y) through academic year 2025.

The goal of the CAE2Y program is to increase the understanding of Cyber Defense (CD) technology, policy, and practices that will enable our nation to prevent and respond to a catastrophic cyber incidents and events. This CAE2Y designation recognizes that Gwinnett Technical College meets the increasing demands of the program criteria that contribute significantly to the advancement of state-of-the-art CD knowledge and practice by developing this important technically skilled workforce.

This designation, issued jointly by the NSA and the DHS, is one of the most prestigious recognitions for cybersecurity excellence a college can receive. Gwinnett Tech is the first-two-year college in Metro-Atlanta to receive this distinction.

Gwinnett Tech students will learn to master the 15 core competencies identified by NSA/DHS as appropriate for two-year programs. These include cyber defense, security design, cryptography, and ethics. The college designed the coursework to prepare students for entry-level positions in the cybersecurity workforce and to help them to prepare for and pass multiple cyber-related industry certification examinations required by many employers.

Dr. D. Glen Cannon, president, states, “This designation brings recognition and prestige to our college, and greatly enhances our graduates’ pursuit of an exemplary cybersecurity career. Our students will be workforce ready to take on any cyber challenge they meet, whether working for in private, public, or government sector.”

Gwinnett Tech’s associate degree in cybersecurity can be completed in two years or less. For more information on Gwinnett Tech’s Cybersecurity program, please visit: